Portraits With a Giant Mirror Down in a Pit Mine

Photographers have done some creative things with mirrors, but photographer Stefan Schlumpf has just raised the bar with his series of portraits using a giant mirror!

For his “Silent Dialog II” project, Schlumpf set up the giant mirror in outdoor locations – including a giant pit mine – and used it to create a stunning backdrop to frame his models.

The giant mine dwarfed the photo shoot:


Schlumpf and his team set up lights and shot with a Phase One XF camera and 60mp XF IQ3 digital back.


The nature behind Schlumpf and his team was reflected in the mirror behind his subjects:


But giant pit mines aren’t the only places that this creative mirror portrait can work:


You can find more of Schlumpf’s work on his website.

[via PetaPixel via Phase One via ISO 1200]

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