2011 Sports Workshop Recap

There’s not many things better than an active Colorado summer. And if you haven’t been a part of it, the Sports Photography Workshop is a great way to get you out there — if not active yourself, at least documenting those active sports!

Colorado Springs is the home to a plethora of outdoor activities, the Rocky Mountain State Games, and is the home to the United States Olympic Training Center.

So when we talk about taking pictures of top athletes, we mean it.

“They have access to literally world-class athletes and these photographers get to stand next to them and photograph them swimming and fencing and boxing and cycling. You couldn’t put an amount on how much that is worth to anyone — it’s really a one-of-a-kind opportunity,” said New York Times Sports Photo Editor, Brad Smith.

On average, with a ratio of 1:6 from students to faculty this gives the opportunity for all those attending to get the most of the education.

Not just from one inspiring photographer but multiple.

You want to learn from other specialized creatives? Lighting? Technology? Adventure? Yep, we got it.

2011 workshop attendee and Evergreen Newspapers photographer, Matthew Jonas, came to improve his sports skills — as well as network with the wide array of creatives.

“It’s a way for me to get in contact with a really passionate, influential group of photographers that could hopefully help me to advance my career,” said Jonas.

By the end of the week, the group has an amazing collection of photos (and a great farmer’s tan to match) that they can be proud of.


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