New Summit Online Course Presents: NatGeo Research with Jim Richardson.

Course Overview

In this lesson, well-known National Geographic photographer, Jim Richardson, takes you where very few have ever been before — behind the yellow border. He brings us inside many of this Geographic stories and what ties them all together: his research. Once you signup for this course, the plans are broken down in the following sections:

  • Lesson One: Finding a Topic, Pitching a Story
  • Lesson Two: Starting a Mock Research Topic
  • Lesson Three: Getting into the Details & Outline
  • Lesson Four: The Actual Shoot

An In-Depth Look

Throughout this lesson, Jim gives you the secret tips he has learned over the years shooting for National Geographic on multiple occasions. He has traveled the world for his assignments and has built a routine of in-depth research to prepare him for many facets of a story.


Visit SummitOnline to learn more about the NEW NatGeo Research course!


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