Why Making Prints is Important: Two Minute Tips with David Bergman

In his latest Two-Minute Tips video, David Bergman argues that making prints for clients goes a very long way; a heck of a lot farther than just posting your client’s photos on social media. Bergman provides his routine for making prints, from the type of paper he likes to use, to the printer he recommends, to the size of the prints he typically makes. Whether you are an elite, professional photographer with a huge list of clients, or you’re a newcomer to the industry and just growing your network, making prints is one surefire way to impress your clients and keep them coming back to you. As Bergman notes, clients could look at your print every day and be reminded of you and the work that you did for them, while an Instagram or Facebook post has a lot less meaning to it.


[via Adorama, ISO1200 Mag]

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