Watch a Cheetah Run Full Speed With a GoPro on it’s Back

cheetah with gopro

The Cincinnati Zoo has recently been in the news for a sad encounter between a 4-year-old, a 450-pound gorilla and a rifle, but it shouldn’t for a moment make people forget about all the good work that zoos do in research and conservation for nature. Here, the zoo was able to strap a GoPro camera to their cheetah, Savanna, and have her run at full speeds to see what it looks like! The results were pretty cool!

Per the Cincinnati Zoo:

“Savanna from the Zoos Cat Ambassador allows the trainers to put a harness that holds a GoPro on her so we can get the cheetahs view running full speed. We think this might be the first time this has been accomplished with a cheetah.”

[via Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Gardens, PetaPixel

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