Exposure made EAsy with Rich Seiling

September 9, 2024

8 PM Eastern // One 90-minute session

Making a good exposure seems easy, but it’s not.  Most photographers are underexposing by 1 ½  stops or more with their current technique. This class will help you cure that by learning a better way to Expose To The Right that is faster and easier than reading histograms, and will help you avoid overexposure and underexposure.  This class is for every photographer from beginner to professional. Beginners should have a basic understanding of their camera’s controls. 

I look at the work of a lot of photographers every year, and one of the most common problems I see is that most images are underexposed by 1 1/2 stops or more. Not only are you losing valuable shadow detail, but you also sacrifice 65% or more of the tonal levels your camera could have captured. That’s not exposing to the right! In fact, it is far from it!

The truth is that the common methods of judging exposure on digital cameras are problematic and inconsistent—the underexposed photos I see every week are proof of this. Your current methods won’t solve the problem, because they are creating it.

To solve the problem, we’ll need some new techniques and tools. I’ve tested, experimented, dug into the problem and found a solution that has made achieving great exposures EVERY TIME easier than ever. I’ve been using this new method for over three years, and my exposures are more accurate than ever, truly exposing to the right, recording all the shadow detail I can from the scene. Capturing more tonal levels makes processing easier and creates more brilliant images. It also allows me to work with greater confidence and speed when faced with challenging lighting conditions.

This class will teach you to expose with 1/3 stop consistency every time. The technique is so simple, anyone familiar with their camera controls can learn it and gain improved results. 

These simple techniques have transformed my photography. I have greater confidence that I captured exactly what I wanted, I can work faster, and I get better results. I’d love to share what I’ve learned with you.

The session will be recorded and made available to registered participants for 60 days. 

Workshop Tuition: $99.00

Meet your instructor

Rich Seiling

Rich Seiling’s passion for capturing light and beauty with photography has led him on a series of  adventures that have shaped his vision and view of the craft. From a stint at The Ansel Adams  Gallery in Yosemite as an assistant curator, to his pioneering work in digital printmaking,  founding of a leading fine art printing studio, and 22 years living in and photographing the  Yosemite region of the Sierra Nevada, Rich has deeply explored the vision and craft of  photography while continuing to express his own vision.  

He learned photography in the darkroom, seeking to make prints with the rich tonal scale  exemplified by the West Coast traditions of photography. But his frustration with color processes  lead him to explore digital photography starting in the early 1990s. 

Combining his darkroom knowledge with digital tools led to a process for making color prints of  museum quality that pushed the process to new heights. His reputation for making vibrant yet  realistic digital prints allowed him to help photographers like Michael Forsberg, Galen Rowell, Jack Dykinga,  Robert Glenn Ketchum, and many others, make the transition to digital fine art printing. With his  team at West Coast Imaging, he has helped produce numerous museum shows, supplied prints  for leading galleries, and done prepress for art books from publishers like Taschen and  Houghton Mifflin.  

His simple yet powerful Photoshop workflow, tested on tens of thousands of prints at WCI, is in  use by many top professionals, and has been taught to countless students across the country  through workshops and lectures. 

Working in both black & white and color, Rich strives to capture the profound beauty of nature  and communicate it through vibrant, and sometimes large, prints. He considers himself a  student of light, discovering its qualities and how it communicates the inherent realities of a  subject, often seeking out fleeting moments of rare light that make the landscape sing its own  voice. 

Driven by the belief that each photographer has a unique story only they can tell, Rich teaches  the art of photography through workshops and articles. His goal is to help students unlock their  potential to tell their own stories by helping them gain control of the craft, expand their vision,  and most of all, to experience the enrichment and joy that photography brings.  

Rich lives just outside Nashville with his wife and creative partner Susan, and his three children.  

You can see more of his photography at richseiling.com and read his blog for photographers at craftingphotographs.com.

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