The Jim Richardson Bundle
In this workshop bundle, Jim Richardson explores how to put your pictures to work: in your life, in the environment, in the greater world and for the greater good. These workshops will be heavy on tools and techniques that Jim has honed over decades of creating working pictures. He’ll cover subjects from photo research to story proposal writing, tools for organizing pictures (and ideas) to form bodies of work, tools for building stories and for creating compelling presentations.
Register for the workshop bundle to save!
Workshop bundle
The Working iphone
Few cameras have changed photography as much as the iPhone, freeing photographers from the tyranny of overstuffed camera bags as well as the dogged allegiance to technical solutions. The iPhone spurs journeys of visual discovery — and it’s a lot of fun! Besides that, you’re paying good money for the camera that you carry everywhere everyday. It’s time to master everything this wonderful tool has to offer.
Two 2-hour Sessions
January 4th and 5th, 2023
This workshop, Lightroom Beyond the Folders, will unlock the vast power of Lightroom to organize your pictures, help you find them and create meaningful (and valuable) collections, tame the chaos of images scattered across myriad folders, and show how Lightroom can become the image hub that helps you build picture value. We’ll also explore how Lightroom can connect directly with web sites and social media platforms.
Two 90 Minute Sessions
February 8th & 9th, 2023
Bundle Price: $249
Meet your Instructor

Jim Richardson
Workshop FacultyJim has work appearing regularly in National Geographic magazine and National Geographic Traveler in addition to Geographic books. Jim is on assignment for Nat Geo projects almost full time and for good reason. Richardson, a onetime newspaper photographer in Kansas and Colorado, brings amazing story-telling techniques along with detailed research to his pictures. Thirty years ago, he began photographing the area around his hometown in north central Kansas.